eLearning » eLearning Guidelines

eLearning Guidelines

eLearning Guidelines

In order to be prepared for the possibility of eLearning days that may occur in the case of inclement weather or other situations, we have worked to create guidelines that offer both flexibility and support for our teachers and students.

According to current state guidelines, educators are required to provide for student engagement for a total of 5.5 hours for elementary students and 6.0 total hours for middle/high school each e-Learning day. Student engagement time may consist of reading, studying, watching assigned lessons or videos, and work completion. Of the student engagement time, at least 200 minutes of instruction should be provided to students, and these instructional minutes can be delivered in different ways.

Teachers are to be available via email to assist students and/or parents within the hours of a normal school day. Students may, however, complete assignments at any time during the course of the eLearning day. As such, students may not necessarily seek teacher assistance during normal school hours and will not be required to log-on to the computer during designated times.

Students without WiFi or students who have not completed work for the assigned day(s), will have up to 5 days after returning to school to submit their assignments before the student will be marked absent for the day.

Elementary/Middle eLearning Day

Teachers will provide students with 200 minutes of instruction appropriate for the age/grade level. If assignments are not provided the day prior to the eLearning day, teachers will post assignments and activities for students by 9:00 AM. In order to be marked present on the eLearning day, students will need to complete assignments provided by the teacher or assigned in Google Classroom. Teachers will provide students with relevant and meaningful assignments that correspond to the learning taking place in the classroom. Examples of instructional assignments may include independent reading, reading and writing journals, math practice, iReady personal pathway lessons, assigned videos, etc.

High School eLearning Day

Teachers will provide students with 200 minutes of instruction. Instructions will be posted for students by 9:00 AM inside each of their Google Classrooms or assigned to students the day prior to the eLearning day. In order to be marked present on the eLearning day, students will visit their Google Classrooms to complete 1 activity for each class period or complete the assignments provided by the teachers for each block/class period. Students are to be provided a 50 minute lesson for each class period. This lesson will be relevant to the teacher’s weekly lesson plan. This lesson may be posted as a video inside of the teacher’s Google Classroom along with any accompanying worksheets a student needs to independently complete.