Spartanburg County Public Virtual Program » Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What grade levels are offered through the SCPVP? Kindergarten through 12th grade.

2. What does it cost to attend the SCPVP? There is no tuition for full time District Six students.

3. How rigorous are SCPVP courses? The online curriculum is challenging, and courses tend to require more effort and time than a traditional classroom.

4. Are SCPVP high school courses for credit? Yes. A final grade is sent to your high school and posted to your official transcript.

5. Are online students subject to the same course and testing requirements as a traditional student? Yes. All requirements for course credit, graduation, and testing remain the same. Accommodations will be made for testing as required.

6. Will SCPVP issue transcripts and diplomas? No. All transcripts and diplomas will be issued from the student’s brick-and-mortar home-school.

7. Are SCPVP students eligible to participate in extra-curricular activities at their home school? Yes, if the student meets eligibility requirements for the chosen activity.

8. Can a student attend SCPVP if they have an IEP? Yes. The IEP team of student will determine admission and the level of services that can be provided. Online classroom accommodations are available through SCPVP.

9. How is progress and attendance monitored? Student progress is an expected part of SCPVP in addition to the attendance hours logged, which are monitored daily. Students are reported back to their home schools if they haven’t been active for five school days or made adequate progress in each of their courses.

10. How does a student enroll in the SCPVP? Each school, within the seven county districts, has the SCPVP application. Students register through the guidance office of their home school.

Please contact Mr. Matthew Nesbit, Director of SCPVP, with any additional questions, at (864) 216-4321.