Instructional Technology
The goal of Instructional Technology for Spartanburg County School District Six is to provide the necessary support and training for teachers and students to grow and function in a technology driven society. Spartanburg Six has always prided itself on using technology to advance student achievement in the classroom. In support, we offer a multitude of professional development opportunities for teachers to collaborate and build their skills for teaching with technology in the classroom.
Students in Spartanburg School District Six will be more engaged in learning this year through the use of district owned technology devices. The district will provide each student in grades five through twelve a Chromebook. Students in lower grades will be provided either a Chromebook or a Dell laptop to enhance their learning opportunities.
Spartanburg School District Six recognizes that access to technology resources in the school,
home, and community setting provides students with greater and more frequent opportunities to learn, engage, communicate, and develop the necessary skills to be career and college-ready in the century. The mission of the "Log in to Learning" program at District Six is to enrich the curriculum with technology opportunities that build and sustain an engaged and collaborative learning environment for all students.
home, and community setting provides students with greater and more frequent opportunities to learn, engage, communicate, and develop the necessary skills to be career and college-ready in the century. The mission of the "Log in to Learning" program at District Six is to enrich the curriculum with technology opportunities that build and sustain an engaged and collaborative learning environment for all students.
A structured digital environment that is safe, yet demanding will enable and support students and teachers as they explore trans formative uses of technology. This enhances student engagement with content and promotes the development of self-directed, responsible, life-long learners and digital citizens. In order to reach the goal of preparing all learners for the ever-changing tomorrow, the program supports offline access to resources for learning by providing a device for all students, ensuring equitable and functional access to technology.
Using Technology Safely