Federal Programs » Foster Care

Foster Care

 The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) establishes guidelines to ensure school access, improved, educational, outcomes, and enhanced academic stability for children and youth in foster care. The South Carolina Department of Education and the South Carolina Department of Social Services have collaborated to create joint guidance for local education, agencies and local child welfare agencies in their work to identify children and youth in foster care, and to ensure the successful implementation of ESSA provisions.
Did You Know?
- On average, 1/3 of foster children, attend five or more schools.
- Compared to their peers, foster children, experience, lower high school, graduation rates, and higher rates of gray retention, chronic absenteeism, suspensions, and expulsions.
- Studies found that school stability leads to increased graduation rate
- School can be a positive counterweight to abuse, neglect, and separation.
For additional information, or support with, foster care children please contact Lauren Barnwell.