Current Awards
Pest Control: BVB-PC-1119
Refrigeration Filtration System Service: RFP-RF-0220
Farm Contract Labor: FPB-FCL-0320
Reroofing Construction Project at Old Fairforest Middle School: PF 15002.011.004
Certified Athletic Trainers: RFP-CAT-0520
Bleacher & Goal Maintenance: BVB-BGM-0720
E-Rate Services: RFP-ES-0720
Bus Maintenance Services: BVB-BMS-0720
Organic Compost: RFB-OC-0920
Group Purchasing Services: RFP-PS-0920
Playground & Landscaping Mulch: FPB-PLM-0920
DHS Tennis Courts - Repair and Resurfacing: RFB-TC-0221
Helmet Reconditioning: RFB-HR-0521
Waste Pickup & Disposal: RFB-WP-0521
Water Treatment: RFP-WT-0521
Fresh Produce: RFP-FP-0521
Pay Card Services: RFP-PC-0621
Fencing: FPB-FN-1021
Greenhouse Electrical Installation: RFB-GE-1121
Reroofing Construction Project at Jesse S. Bobo Elementary School: PF 15002.016.004
Qualified Contractors' list Elementary School Additions: RFQ-ADD-0122
Firewall: SPA6 2022 001
Janitorial Products: RFP-JP-0122
Food Service Supplies: RFP-FSS-0122
Scrap Metal Recycling – Revenue Generating: RFB-SM-0222
Fire System, Fire Extinguisher, Hood System & Sprinkler System Inspections: RFB-FAEH-0322
Band Tower: RFP-BT-0322
Chorus Trip to Carowinds: BVB-CC-0322
Dorman High Football Scoreboard Installation: RFB-DS-0322
Epoxy Flooring: BVB-EF-0322
Gym Floor Refinishing and Repair Services: RFP-GFRR-0322
403(b) Retirement Plan Administration Services: RFP-RAS-0222
Band Instruments: RFB-BI-0322
Brokerage Services - Property, Liability and Worker's Compensation: RFP-IBS-0222
Arcadia, Fairforest, and Lone Oak Elementary School Additions
Roofing Maintenance and Minor Repair Services: FPB-RMR-0422
Dorman High Graduation Invitations, Cap & Gown Sets, Rings, and Memorabilia: RFP-GRAD-0422
Copy Paper: RFP-CP-0622
Exclusive District Beverage Contract: RFP-BC-0622
Concrete: FPB-CON-0522
Fairforest Elementary School Additions: 021269
Athletic Locker Replacement: RFB-ALR-0622
Asphalt: RFB-AS-0622
Uniforms: BVB-MTU-0622
Certified Angus Beef Burgers and Fresh Local Ground Beef: RFB-CAB-0622
Armed Security Guard Services: RFP-AIS-0622
Lone Oak Elementary School Additions: 021268
Qualified Contractors' list Elementary School Additions (Roofing): RFQ-ROO-0922
Lone Oak Elementary School Additions: 021268
Arcadia Elementary School Additions: 021267
Catering Supply Rentals: RFB-CS-1222
Food Service Management System: RFP-FSMS-1222
Network Upgrades: SPA6-2023-001
Cabling Upgrades: SPA6-2023-002
Lightning Detection System: RFP-LDS-0123
Lumber: FPB-LUM-0223
Athletic Field Maintenance: RFP-AFM-0323
Serving Lines: RFB-SL-0323
Linen Service: RFB-LS-0423
District-Wide Painting Services: FPB-PA-0423
Student Insurance: RFP-SI-0523
Processing Produce: RFB-PR-0523
Banking Services: RFP-BS-0523
Translating and Interpreting Services: RFP-TIS-0523
Laptop buyback: RFB-LAP-0723
Carpet Cleaning: FPB-CC-0823
Reroofing Construction Project at Old Fairforest Middle School - Phase II: PF 15002.026.004
Contracted Speech/PT/OT/Psychologist/Nursing/Interpreting and SPED Teaching Services: FPB-CTNS-0823
External Security Services: RFP-ESS-1023
Restroom Partitions: RFB-PAR-1123
Qualified Contractors' list Elementary School Additions: RFQ-ADD-1123
Laptop Buyback: RFB-LAP-1223
Network Upgrades: SPA6-2024-001
Pole Vault Equipment: RFB-PV-0124
Gable Middle School Car Drive Renovation: 022609
Roebuck Elementary School Addition: 022170
Jesse S. Bobo Elementary School Renovations: 022193
Facility Assessments & Food Safety Evaluation Services: BVB-FSE-0524
Grounds Chemicals: RFB-GC-0524
Audit Services: RFP-AS-0424
Benefits Electronic Enrollment & Communication Services: RFP-BEE-0624
Digital Readout equipment: RFB-DRO-0724
School Based Behavioral Health Services: FPB-SBBH-1023
Welding Equipment: RFB-WE-0724
Security Vestibules: 018532